Happy Birthday Grant


It has been a month since you turned 6 and I wanted to write you your b-day letter.  At Mrs. Katie’s wedding the other day she said she has always loved your “ZEST” for life.  As your mom, I have to agree.  You go full force at everything.  It doesn’t take a lot to excite you and you want to know every detail of every topic.  You are so much fun to be around and I am so glad that God blessed me with you.  This past year you have gone from still having a baby face to looking like just a little boy.  You are very compassionate and quick to forgive others, and you do not ever want Merideth to get into trouble.  You love your sister and love to play with her.  You are so good to play what she wants to sometimes, even if it means playing with Barbies.  Right now you have really been into learning about bugs again.  You like to help your daddy fix things and not long ago you told me that you wanted to fix the deck.  You went to the garage, got your toolbox, and proceded to put the latch back on with a hammer and nail by yourself.  You were so proud of this accomplishment and I was proud of you for really thinking about how you could fix this by yourself.  You LOVE Star Wars and love to act it out with your friends.  I don’t think you will ever get tired of the movies.  You’ve competed now in two karate competitions and have made me so proud at both of them.  You are a very happy little boy, but you don’t really like for attention to be on you in a group setting.  You do this thing with your mouth when your nervous and everyone is looking at you.  You come up with the funniest sayings and are always trying to tell everyone the things that you know.  You love to go on bike rides with your daddy, and when you get home you like to tell me everything that you saw on your ride.  The other day I taught you how to pump gas, and now you want to do it everytime we get gas.  You love to sneak drinks of my soda and you’ve gotten very good at getting in the refrigerator and making your own drink.  You just started taking horse lessons a couple of months ago out at MoMo’s barn where her horses live and you are catching on quickly.  Your growing up to fast and somedays I wish I could stop time or go back and hold you one more time as a baby.  You love to come and cuddle in the mornings in the bed with us, and you like to sleep with Merideth on pallets in your bedroom floor.  You can’t wait to be a cousin to Lucy in a few months and if it were up to you she would get something new from us everytime we went to the store.  Your desire for all of your friends and everyone that we know to have Jesus in their hearts is amazing.  You like to pray for your friends and others that are in need.  I love you so much and am thankful to God for another wonderful year as your mommy :o)





Grant with Momo’s horse Sunny


Fixing the Gate



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